Left to right : Casa Loma | Tango Mango Chicken from Spring Rolls | Subway station | Subway selfie with my guy | Indian bazaar | Bata Shoe Museum | Skyline view from The 180

And we're back!

Hard to believe it's all over now. The wedding, the honeymoon, the preparation, everything. Part of me is happy to leave the stress of it all behind, but I mostly just want to go back and relive those days again! The ceremony and reception were even better than I imagined, but what I was really blown away by was the love and support of our family and friends. I have no words to adequately express how awesome that made me feel, so I'm just going to say we're incredibly blessed and leave it at that.

Since these matrimony-related activities have kept me away from the blogosphere, I though I'd share a few snapshots from our honeymoon in Toronto so you can see what I've been up to! Now that we're back home and slowly settling in, I'm hoping to post more regularly again. I hope you all are enjoying these last weeks of summer! Can you believe that September is already just around the corner?

Thanks for stopping by!

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