A few thought-provoking articles I thought I'd share in a rare moment of free time:

Meet the Israeli Women Fighting For the Right to Wear What They Want
Inna Lazareva
Just one sobering reminder of the many things I take for granted, this article describes the persecution that women in Beit Shemesh experience for simply wearing clothes deemed immodest by ultra-orthodox Jews.

The Pressure to Look Good
Jennifer Weiner
How have social media and modern technologies increased expectations regarding appearance? It's a bit scary to reflect on, but good food for thought.

Yoga Pants, Modesty and Lust: A Guy's Perspective
Al Banton
Dear Al, thank you for taking a tired topic and reminding us of the deeper issue by providing a glimpse into the struggle that many Christian men face every day. Spoiler alert: the pants aren't the problem.

What have you been reading lately?

Thanks for stopping by!

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